
更新时间:2020-02-16    来源:托福    手机版     字体:



【扩展】acceleration n. 加速,加速度

with the acceleration of industrial growth

The car had excellent acceleration.

【同义】increase, quicken, speed up

【反义】decelerate v. 减速 deceleration n. 减速

When entering the highway you should accelerate, not decelerating the car.

access [ "kses ]

n. 通路,进入

His job in the music business gave him access to many rock stars.

Cheap rail travel permitted easy and quick access to the countryside or seashore.(真题)


v. 使用,访问,存取(数据)

It is difficult to access this web page with a slow connection.

【同义】opportunity; approach

adj. 易接近的,可得到的,可进入的

The remote area was only accessible by plane.

The scientific book was written so as to be accessible to the general public.


Each had a wharf accessible to the small shipping of that day.(真题)

