
更新时间:2020-02-21    来源:职称英语    手机版     字体:



11、Medicine depends on other fields for basic information, particularly some of their specialized branches.

A) conventionally

B) obviously

C) especially

D) inevitably

标准答案: c

12、If wool(羊毛) is put into hot water, it tends to shrink.

A) smell

B) fade

C) harden

D) contract

标准答案: d

13、They have a far better yield than any other farm for miles around.

A) expectation

B) soil

C) climate

D) harvest

标准答案: d

14、They are endeavoring to change society as a whole.

A) trying

B) working

C) doing

D) making

标准答案: a

15、The other women seemed contented and they even exhibited their bellies(腹部) with pride.

A) demonstrated

B) uncovered

C) spread

D) showed

标准答案: d



