
更新时间:2019-08-04    来源:报检员    手机版     字体:




We"d be only too pleased to do business with you.

How do you pack the goods?

We"ve had great success in exporting our products to America, for example.

It"s considerably cheaper.

What items are you interested in?

We"d like to ask you to establish a local letter of credit in our favor.

The tents go for .00 each, and the stoves are .50, wholesale.

I"m ready to place ansgroupsas soon as we negotiate final prices.

Are those prices C.I.F. or F.O.B.?

I"m quite certain that we can satisfy your customers.

I"ll let you know as soon as a letter of credit is arranged.

I don"t think the price on that tent is workable for us.

What prices do you offer on these two items?

That sounds like a possibility.

The tents come in individual carrying cases, wrapped in plastic, in lots of a dozen.

Background: An Australian camping goods distributor talks with a Chinese exporter.

Distributor : My company really likes the variety and quality of your camping goods.

Exporter : Thank you. I"m quite certain that we can satisfy your customers. We"ve had great success in exporting our products to America, for example.

Distributor : I"m ready to place ansgroupsas soon as we negotiate final prices.

Exporter : We"d be only too pleased to do business with you. What items are you interested in?

Distributor : I"m thinking of ordering the tent model we discussed. I"m also interested in your aluminum camping stove. What prices do you offer on these two items?

Exporter : The tents go for .00 each, and the stoves are .50, wholesale.

Distributor: Are those prices C.I.F. or F.O.B.?

Exporter : All prices are F.O.B.

Distributor : I don"t think the price on that tent is workable for us.

Exporter:I"m afraid we can"t go any lower. We do have a similar tent which uses high-impact plastic poles instead of aluminum. It"s considerably cheaper - .00.

Distributor: That sounds like a possibility. Of course, I ll have to inspect the tent before placing an order.

Exporter : No problem. You can see it right here at our showroom.

Distributor : How do you pack the goods?

Exporter : The tents come in individual carrying cases, wrapped in plastic, in lots of a dozen.

Distributor : I think we"d need 10 gross.

Exporter : Fine. We do request all our overseas customers to do one thing.

Distributor : What"s that?

Exporter : We"d like to ask you to establish a local letter of credit in our favor.

Distributor : My company can easily do that. Let"s have a look at the tent. Then I"ll let you know as soon as a letter of credit is arranged.



