
更新时间:2019-09-11    来源:职称英语    手机版     字体:





  Save Energy at Home

  On the average,Americans waste as much energy as two—thirds of the world’s population consumes That’s largely the (51)of driving inefficient Cars,using inefficient appliances(设备),and living and working in poorly insulated(隔热)buildings.Then what canyou do to (52)the situation?

  Buy energy-efficient products——Buy new appliances or electronics of the highest energy—efficiency rating.New energy-efficient models may cost more initially,but have a lowerOperating (53) over their lifetimes The most energy—efficient models (54)the Energy Star label,which identifies products (55)use 20-40 percent less energy than standard new products According to the EPA(美国环境保护署),the typical American household Can save about$400 per year in (56)bills with products that carry the Energy StarSwitch to compact fluorescent bulbs(荧光灯)-Change the three bulbs you use (57)in your house to compact fluorescents Each compact fluorescent bulb willkeep half a ton of CO2 out of the air (58) its 1ifetime. (59),compactfluorescent bulbs last ten times as long and Can save$30 per year in electricity costs.

  Set heating and cooling temperatures correctly—Check thermostats(温度自动调节器)in your home to make sure they are (60)at a level that doesn’t waste energy

  Turn off the lights Turn off lights and other electrical appliances such as televisions and radios when you’re not (61)them.Install automatic timers for lights that people in your house frequently (62) to turn them off when leaving a room.Let the sun shine in——The cheapest and most energy--efficient light and heat source isoften right outside your window.On (63)days,open blinds(百叶窗)to let the sun light your home for free.Also remember that (64)entering a room equals passive solar heating.Even on cold winter days,sun streaming into a room can raise the temperature by several (65).

  51 A power

  B result

  C way

  D work

  S2 A improve

  B create

  C face

  D explain

  53 A speed

  B system

  C cost

  D profit

  54 A carry

  B bring

  C take

  D give

  55 A where

  B while

  C that

  D since

  56 A phone

  B water

  C food

  D energy

  57 A less

  B most

  C rarely

  D seldom

  58 A about

  B with

  C on

  D over

  59 A Moreover

  B However

  C Therefore

  D so

  60 A correct

  B turned

  C set

  D reduced

  6l A covering

  B using

  C repairing

  D leaving

  62 A want

  B have

  C try

  D forget

  63 A bright

  B rainy

  C foggy

  D dark

  64 A air

  B rain

  C wind

  D sunlight

  65 A 1ayers

  B levels

  C degrees

  D points


  51 B 文章第一句提到美国消耗能源全球最多,第二旬提到的是造成这种结果的根源。根据意思应填result。

  52A 此旬的意思是,我们如何改变这种情况。从上下文意思判断,应该选用improve。

  53 C 从意思上来讲,operating cost搭配在这里最合适。

  54A 节能的产品贴有“能源之星”,这里要用动词“carry”表示带有,贴有。

  55c 这里引导的是限定性定语从句,故用关系代词that。

  56 D energy bill指消耗电、汽等能源的账单。其他几个选项的意思与上下文不符。

  57 B 根据上下文这里指使用最多的是灯泡,因为长时间使用这样的灯泡耗电量大,所以要把这些灯泡换成节能型。

  58 D 这里要用介词0ver,表示跨越很长时间。

  59 A 从上下文来看,接下来文章进一步说明节能灯泡的好处,故用表示递进的词moreover。

  60 c set的意思是“设定”,其他几个词意思与文章不符。

  61 B 此句的意思是当你使用电视、收音机等设备时要关掉它们,故选using。

  62 D 此处的意思是离开房间时忘了关闭它们,故选forget。

  63 A 此旬的意思是,天气晴朗的时候,要打开百叶窗,让阳光进来。从上下文判断,只能选A。

  64 D 此处只有填sunlight意思才讲得通,所以D为答案。

  65 C 此处的意思是温度升高几度,“度数”要用degree来表示,故c答案。



