
更新时间:2018-11-05    来源:职称英语    手机版     字体:






1 The levels of radioactivity in fields neighbouring the nuclear plant are higher than regular levels.

A significant B usual C importantD harmful

2 The French Revolution was a period of disorder, but produced some great literature.

A chaos B interest C imagination D success

3 She was one of the leading writers of her day.

A expected B natural C most important D least

4 The hill was once rich with iron.

A abundantB destitute C enough D sufficient

5 The retired couple lived a life of ease.

A luxury B misery C poverty D comfort

6 We should abide by the rules and regulations.

A conform to B comply to C lead to D observe to

7 What were the effects of the decision she made?

A results B extinction C lure D reasons

8 Put some effort into your work.

A effect B force C coverage D energy

9 The number of United States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.

A encouraged B enforcedC entitled D expected

10 According to the constitution, anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.

A illegalB legitimate C required D qualified

11 The doctor said that I had to eliminate alcohol.

A cut out B cut on C cut in D cut up

12 The class of mammals embraces nearly all warm?blooded animals except the birds.

A takes on B takes over C takes in D takes up

13 The environmentalists advocated better protection of the earth.

A appeal B pledge C proclaim D urge

14 We can utilize water for producing electric power.

A employ B embrace C emerge D emphasize

15 Your reasons for refusing to help are quite vague.

A obvious B typical C impreciseD unreasonable





Choosing a Topic for Research

Because you are going to put a lot of your time and energy into your research project(项目), the topic is especially important. In many instances your instructor may give a specific(特殊的)topic. If this is done, you have little choice, but most instructors will permit or even welcome a slightly changed focus(中心)in a topic if it is supported by good thinking.

In some of your classes, the instructor may present a suggested list of several topics from which you are to make a choice. If this is done, do not simply select the first idea that attracts your attention. It may be one with which you will soon become bored, or it may be one on which you would have difficulty finding all the necessary information. Looking at the topics, try to consider how you might go about developing each of them. When you find out what seems especially interesting and worthwhile(值得骄傲的), do a bit checking in the library to see if you can get the basic resources you will need.

Choosing a good research topic does not necessarily mean finding something that has a lot written about it. Many times you will have to research around a topic in order to find out the most useful information. Exciting and original topics often come to mind by combining two completely different interests. Let us say that you are interested in child psychology(心理学的)and in sports. Perhaps you can combine these into a study of the effect that is watching(可得到的)on the subject, you can research the topic individually and, by putting your information together, then draw a conclusion.

16 Choosing a topic for research is important in that you will put a great deal of time and energy into it.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

17 All instructors will allow somewhat changed focus in the original topic.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

18 If all the topics are interesting, you are advised to choose the one that has necessary information and is easy to get the basic resources you will need in the library.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

19 Choosing a good research topic certainly refers to finding something that has a lot written about it.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

20 An exciting and original topic must be any two interests combined.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

21 You can research the topic by cooperating with others.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

22 The passage is most likely written for researchers.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned





The Role of Governments

1 Governments determine the legal framework that sets the basic meets for the ownership of property and the operation of markets. In addition governments at all levels regulate economic behavior, setting detailed rules for the operation of businesses. Such regulations apply to all businesses;examples include laws against fraud and racial discrimination.

2 Governments buy and produce many goods and services, such as defense, education, parks, and roads, which they provide for firms and households. They typically buy computers but write programs they need to operate them. Governments also produce and sell goods. In many countries the phone company is government?owned, like the electric system.

3 Governments also make transfer payments, such as Social Security and unemployment benefits to individuals. Transfer payments are payments for which no current economic goods or service is provided in return and therefore do not represent expenditure(支出)for the purchase of final products. A firefighter’s salary is not a transfer payment, but welfare benefits are.

4 Governments pay for the goods they buy and for the transfer payments they make mostly by collecting taxes, including personal income taxes, property taxes, social insurance taxes, and sales taxes. Over 60% of the government revenue in the U. S. is collected by the federal government. This does not include taxes collected by state and city governments.

5 Every market economy suffers from business cycles. Governments, through their control of taxes and government spending and through their ability to control the quantity of money, often attempt to modify fluctuations(波动) in the business cycle. For instance, the government may reduce taxes in a recession(萧条)in the hope that people will increase spending and thus raise the GNP.

23 Paragraph 2

24 Paragraph 3

25 Paragraph 4

26 Paragraph 5

A Collecting Taxes

B Making Transfer Payments

C Making Laws and Regulations

D Buying and Selling Goods and Services

E Stabilizing the Economy

F Controlling the Market

27 Governments regulate economic behavior, and the regulations .

28 Besides buying and producing services, governments also .

29 The government revenue in the U. S. is collected by the federal government and .

30 The government may reduce taxes in a recession in order to .

A apply to all businesses

B raise the GNP

C state and city government

D reduce spending

E modify fluctuations in the business cycle

F produce and sell goods



